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Nov 17, 2015 — Speaking of uncomfortable. Right after Tall Tan Man snapped a couple pictures a mini van pulled into the parking lot. I had to get out of there...Missing: Holiday, img_6943. Feb 14, 2010 — Soon enough, they were ready to be baked! For the Mini Frittatas: While the cinnamon rolls baked, I got the mini egg frittatas ready. I used Giada's .... After a great day of hiking we spent the evening with my Grandma and parents. It was a great start to the holiday weekend. Happy Trails! Flickr: Berley & Santiam .... Jun 29, 2015 — What the zookeepers remember as odd behavior for Ranchipur was the day he approached two female elephants who stood on the other side of ...Missing: Holiday, img_6943. Mar 14, 2016 — IMG_6935. Moltor's Lava Smasher. IMG_6936. Building ULTIMATE Robin. IMG_6943. Done! IMG_6945. Checking the instructions manual.Missing: Holiday, | Must include: Holiday,. While I was planning this vacation I began looking for possible hikes between the two towns. Sullivan had a pair of hikes in the back of his Eastern Oregon .... Dec 30, 2015 — I had a budget in mind for the nursery and most of the chairs I wanted were more than the ENTIRE budget!!! Heck to the no. Our house was build ...Missing: Holiday, img_6943 3a5286bf2b 50